@article{oai:kyutech.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001621, author = {Takayama, S and Kiuchi, Masaru and 木内, 勝 and 小田部, エドモンド 荘司 and Otabe, Edmund Soji and Matsushita, Teruo and 松下, 照男 and Ayai, N and Fujikami, J and Hayashi, K and Sato, K}, issue = {15-20}, journal = {Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications}, month = {Sep}, note = {The critical current property of Bi-2223 silver sheathed tape has been significantly improved by application of ConTrolled Over Pressure (CT-OP) process with adjusting temperature and oxygen partial pressure at the final heat treatment. In this paper, the field-angle dependence of the critical current density was measured at 77.3 K and the crystalline misorientation angle was estimated for four specimens with different critical current densities. It is found that in a parallel magnetic field, the critical current density of the latest Bi-2223 tape of 190 A class is remarkably higher than the other specimens over a wide region of magnetic field. On the other hand, although the critical current density of the latest tape in a normal magnetic field is higher than the other specimens, the difference is relatively small especially at high magnetic fields. Thus, the field-angle anisotropy of the latest tape is higher than the other specimen. The observed results can be explained by the improved condensation energy density and the better c-axis alignment in the latest tape.}, pages = {1779--1782}, title = {Evaluation of field-angle anisotropy of critical current in multifilamentary Bi-2223 tapes prepared by CT-OP process}, volume = {468}, year = {2008}, yomi = {キウチ, マサル and オタベ, エドモンド ソウジ and マツシタ, テルオ} }