@article{oai:kyutech.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000539, author = {中島, 淳 and Nakajima, Jun and 島谷, 幸宏 and Shimatani, Yukihiro and 厳島, 怜 and Itsukushima, Rei and 鬼倉, 徳雄 and Onikura, Norio}, journal = {河川技術論文集, Advances in River Engineering}, month = {}, note = {The restoration of river ecosystems is of worldwide interest. Although various techniques have been designed, an effective method for environmental evaluation is necessary. We report a new method for the evaluation of the riverine environment on the basis of simple fish ecological data. The 16 indexes studied were (1) native species, (2) alien species, (3) red list species, (4) genuine freshwater fish species, (5) amphidromous or brackish water fish species, (6) swimming species, (7) benthonic species, (8) flowing water species, (9) still water species, (10) permanent water species, (11) temporary water (flood plain) species, (12) spawning in vegetation area species, (13) spawning in muddy bottom species, (14) spawning in sandy-gravely bottom species, (15) spawning under rocks species, and (16) spawning in mussel species. The reference data is the maximum number of potential species . First, the fish fauna data of the evaluated point was obtained. Next, a radar chart was prepared with regard to the 16 indexes. Although this assessment method can be applied in the same ecoregion, it provided a good evaluation.}, pages = {449--454}, title = {魚類の生物的指数を用いた河川環境の健全度評価法}, volume = {16}, year = {2010}, yomi = {イツクシマ, レイ} }