@article{oai:kyutech.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000615, author = {Fujimura, Tota and 藤村, 統太 and Fukui, Yoshiro and 福井, 善朗 and Ito, Hiroshi and 伊藤, 博}, issue = {11}, journal = {システム制御情報学会論文誌, Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers}, month = {Nov}, note = {This paper deals with high-speed and high-precision transfer control of silicon wafers by a belt-driven robot. We propose a target trajectory design while we only can change the trajectory due to the industry’s strict development limitations. The proposed trajectory design has a piecewise linear type velocity profile. Gradients of each segment in the piecewise profile, that is acceleration, are designed with a consideration of two factors: The effects of belt elasticity and kinematics between the amount of belt elongation and the amount of tracking error. To reduce the amount of tracking error effectively, we also propose a design indicator which combines the two factors for designing the profile. An experiment with the belt-driven type wafer transfer robot UTM-R3700F, currently in use in industry, illustrates that the proposed trajectory design with the proposed indicator reduces tracking error compared to the conventional trajectory design.}, pages = {392--399}, title = {Wafer Industry Design Case Study of Target Trajectory for Reducing Trajectory Deviation of a Belt-Driven Articulated Robot}, volume = {36}, year = {2023} }