@article{oai:kyutech.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000826, author = {高林, 正典 and Takabayashi, Masanori and 冨岡, 莉生 and Tomioka, Rio}, issue = {3}, journal = {フォトニクスニュース}, month = {}, note = {Self-referential holography (SRH) is a purely one-beam holographic data recording geometry based on a volume hologram recorded by self-interference of a spatially phase-modulated light. We have proposed to apply the principle of SRH for a holographic data storage without use of a reference beam, which is named self-referential holographic data storage (SR-HDS). Also, recently, we have found that SRH can be used as a deep neural network hardware by combining it with electronic calculations. In this paper, we mainly introduce the self-referential holographic deep neural network (SR-HDNN) and show proof-of-principle simulation results of 4-class image recognition task.}, pages = {147--151}, title = {自己参照型ホログラフィの原理を用いた光電子深層ニューラルネットワークハードウェア}, volume = {9}, year = {2024} }