@article{oai:kyutech.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003597, author = {藤, 耕平 and Tou, Kouhei and 入江, 徹 and Irie, Tohru and Tan, Joo kooi and タン, ジュークイ and Ishikawa, Seiji and 石川, 聖二}, issue = {1}, journal = {バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会誌, Journal of Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Association}, month = {Jul}, note = {近年,IT技術は様々な社会システムに導入されている.特にGIS技術は,電子地図など我々の生活に重要な情報を提供するようになった.現在,地図業界ではカーナビゲーション,インターネット等での利用目的とした視認性に優れた三次元地図が注目されている.三次元地図生成について航空写真や衛星写真等を利用する手法がいくつか提案されている.しかし,これらの手法では道路情報等の緻密な三次元地図を生成することはできない.本論文では三次元地図製作のための新たな手法を提案する., Information Technology has recently been introduced to various social systems. Especially, important information for our living like a road map has been brought by Geographic Information Systems. Particularly, a 3-D road map is a strong concern of map producing industries because of its visual understandability in car navigation. Although there are researches on the development of 3-D road maps, most of them employ aerial views obtained from an airplane or a satellite. They cannot offer an exact 3-D road map, since certain road information cannot be observed from above. This paper proposes a novel technique for creating a 3-D road map. It includes proposal of a vehicle that collects ground-view information of a road environment and a graphical system for producing a 3-D road map employing the collected information. The function of the proposed technique is to make a 3-D map by fitting measured data to a given 2-D map. In order to evaluate the proposed technique, we performed experiments at several cities in the world, and produced highly realistic 3-D graphical maps of the road environment. This confirms the availability of the proposed technique.}, pages = {1--10}, title = {三次元道路地図製作のためのグラフィカルな構築システムの開発}, volume = {9}, year = {2007}, yomi = {イシカワ, セイジ} }