@article{oai:kyutech.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004719, author = {Onitsuka, Kouki and 鬼束, 幸樹 and Akiyama, Juichiro and 秋山, 壽一郎 and 竹内, 光 and 大西, 浩史}, issue = {4}, journal = {土木学会論文集. B1, 水工学}, month = {Apr}, note = {Swimming behavior of isolate or a couple of fish in running water has not been investigated. Recently, Onitsuka et al. investigated on the swimming behavior of isolated ayu in running water. In this study, the swimming behavior of a couple of ayu in running water was investigated. It was found that the swimming speed in the streamwise direction increases with an increase of the flow velocity. In contrast, the swimming speed in the spanwise direction is constant, irrespective of the flow velocity. The turning angle of swimming trajectory decreases with an increase of the flow velocity. The swimming speed for each branch decreases in compared with that of isolate ayu., 水工学論文集 第55巻}, pages = {1441--1446}, title = {流速変化が2尾のアユの遊泳特性に及ぼす影響}, volume = {67}, year = {2011}, yomi = {オニツカ, コウキ and アキヤマ, ジュイチロウ} }