@article{oai:kyutech.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004726, author = {Onitsuka, Kouki and 鬼束, 幸樹 and Akiyama, Juichiro and 秋山, 壽一郎 and 松田, 孝一郎 and 野口, 翔平 and 竹内, 光}, issue = {4}, journal = {土木学会論文集. B1, 水工学}, month = {Feb}, note = {Behavior of the fish has been investigated so much. However, the effects of the side-wall on the fish behaviors have not been investigated. In this study, the swimming behavior of isolated ayu in a rectangular open-channel flow was recorded with a digital video camera with changing the velocity. It was found that the fish behavior is affected by the side-wall where the distance from sidewall is less than one time of body length of ayu, so that this area was defined as the side-wall area. The mode value of the ground distance, ground speed, swimming distance and swimming speed in the side-wall area is smaller than those in the universal area, and also that the angle of refraction in the side-wall area is constant, irrespective of flow velocity., 水工学論文集 第56巻}, pages = {I_661--I_666}, title = {単独で遊泳するアユの挙動に及ぼす側壁の影響}, volume = {68}, year = {2012}, yomi = {オニツカ, コウキ and アキヤマ, ジュイチロウ} }