@article{oai:kyutech.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004805, author = {豊瀬, 仁須 and Nishino, Kazunori and 西野, 和典 and 浅羽, 修丈 and 山口, 偉史 and 松田, 昇}, issue = {4}, journal = {日本教育工学会論文誌, Japan Journal of Educational Technology}, month = {Mar}, note = {情感豊かな鑑賞文を書くためには,適切な感性語を潤沢に使用することが必要である.筆者らは,中学校国語科の和歌の学習に和歌感性データベースを導入し,感性語に触れる機会を与えることで,感性語の習得を深めることを考えた(以下,Wakaton学習法---Waka Kansei technology supported online learning method---と呼ぶ).Wakaton学習法では,和歌の解釈に関するSD法を用いたアンケートが用いられる.これにより,生徒は,和歌の意味,解説,表現技法等を学習するだけでなく,より多くの感性語を学習する機会が与えられることが期待できる.実際の授業を通しての実証実験により,Wakaton学習法の導入によって,従来の指導法と比較して,生徒が鑑賞文中で使用する感性語の数と種類がより増加し,より情感豊かな鑑賞文を書くようになることが認められた.さらに,鑑賞文における感性語の使われ方と教師による鑑賞文の評価の間に,強い相関があることが認められた., To write a Kansei-rich essay, students need to learn a wide variety of Kansei words and appropriately use them to describe nuances of their feelings. To help students learn Kansei words and become competent to write Kansei-rich essays, we have developed the Waka-Kansei database and also designed a curriculum for the Japanese Language Art to learn the Japanese traditional poem called Waka. The curriculum is called the Wakaton method-Waka Kansei Technology Online Learning method-in which students use the Waka-Kansei database to learn to write essays about Waka poems they read. The Wakaton method asks students to annotate Kansei words using the Semantic Differential method (SD method). We hypothesize that the combination of the Waka-Kansei database and the SD method would provide students with opportunities not only to broaden the vocabulary of Kansei words but also to learn their meanings and usage. To evaluate the effectiveness of the Wakaton method, we have conducted an in vivo classroom study in an actual middle school Japanese Language Art class. The results show that after learning Waka poems with the Wakaton method, students began to use more Kansei words in their essays, and the quality of their essays improved in the way that they included more Kansei-rich expressions. Furthermore, the data also revealed a statistically reliable correlation between the teacher's grading of the essay and the usage of the Kansei words that can be automatically computed, which suggests a potential to develop an automated essay grading system in the future.}, pages = {329--340}, title = {中学校和歌学習指導でのWAKATONの活用}, volume = {38}, year = {2015}, yomi = {ニシノ, カズノリ} }