@article{oai:kyutech.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006209, author = {Osa, Takayuki and 長, 隆之 and 佐藤, 雅也 and Sato, Masaya and 森木, 和也 and Moriki, Kazuya and 杉山, 聡 and Sugiyama, Satoshi and 杉田, 直彦 and Sugita, Naohiko and 中尾, 政之 and Nakao, Masayuki}, issue = {8}, journal = {日本ロボット学会誌, Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan}, month = {Oct}, note = {Motion planning for robotics manipulation is an essential component for automating various tasks. In this study we discuss optimization-based motion planning methods for robotic manipulation. The optimization-based method can compute smooth and collision-free trajectories with relatively short computational cost. Although existing methods are often designed to output a single solution, the objective function is often multimodal and there exist multiple solutions to achieve a given task. On such a task, obtaining multiple solutions gives a user an opportunity to choose one of the solutions based on factors which are not encoded in the objective function. To address this issue, we propose a motion planning framework that finds multiple solutions. The proposed method is validated in simulated environments with a four-link manipulator in 2D space and a 6 DoFs manipualtor in 3D space.}, pages = {718--725}, title = {端点の多峰性最適化による複数の解が導出可能な軌道計画法}, volume = {37}, year = {2019}, yomi = {オサ, タカユキ} }