@article{oai:kyutech.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000085, author = {大川, 不二夫 and Ohkawa, Fujio and 本田, 英己 and Honda, Hideki and Kobayashi, Jun and 小林, 順 and 久保山, 幸司 and Kuboyama, Kouji and 小黒, 龍一 and Oguro, Ryuichi}, issue = {668}, journal = {日本機械学會論文集. C編, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. C}, month = {Apr}, note = {This paper deals with a vibration and position control of a feed drive system, which is hindered by a vibration of the machine stand. The control scheme is designed based on a model following control method which can control the vibration of the machine stand without measurement a position of the stand. In order to assure good tracking performance as well as to guarantee robustness towards changes or uncertainties in the dynamics of the system, a discrete-time simplified model and a sliding mode control method are utilized for designing a robust controller. Experimental results demonstrate the good control performance and the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy, (機械力学,計測,自動制御)}, pages = {1127--1132}, title = {ロバストなモデル追従制御による機台振動系の振動抑制}, volume = {68}, year = {2002}, yomi = {コバヤシ, ジュン} }